My Lookout!

Did you have that one place that was all yours growing up? That one place that you felt the safest and could express yourself, be vulnerable and work through what you needed to at the time?

I do. It is my mountain. Also known as Hassans Walls Lookout.

I have so many memories of running, walking and sometimes biking up the mountain. And as I got older, I would often drive to the top when the world became a little too much.

Today I want to talk about the importance of two things; your happy place and the journey to it. Much like life we must appreciate both the journey and the destination.

My happy place is a great metaphor for this. In order for me to appreciate the view at the top, I must embark on an appreciate a journey to get there.

The Journey:

As I grew up, my experience of my journey to the top of the mountain changed.

In younger days, myself, my siblings and our neighbours on weekends would go exploring up the mountain, pick the perfect spot and build treehouses. We would spend the whole day, creating building and playing. Some of my fondest memories.

In my recent returns and over the years, it’s been for different reasons. Hassans and the power of nature has been helping me to stop and slow down, reconnect with myself, be honest and vulnerable about what it is I truly want. To help me acknowledge every life situation for what it is, take a breath, feel it, experience it and either work with it or let it go.

I often now hike or drive up the mountain, appreciating the view and the surroundings as I go. It’s been 12 years since I moved away from home, but each time I got home to visit, I visit my mountain and relive the journeys I made each time I had made my way to the top.

It’s funny how age brings perspective. As a child I would have appreciated the fun of climbing up, the building of cubby houses, the silly banter as we came to the summit… as a teenager I would have likely completely overlooked the climb and wanted to quickly get to the top… and now as an adult, I can appreciate both the importance of the journey and the destination.


The Destination:

Once at the top, there are so many lookouts, different places that you can sit, explore and stare off into the distance. It’s a place of tranquility, somewhere to relax and to let go of whatever emotion has overtaken me at the time. My mountain overlooks gully’s and beautiful landscapes that lead to the Blue Mountains.

Much like life… the top of the mountain is my destination to look back on what lies beneath; the steep cliffs we climbed, the gentle hills, the beauty, the raw elements of nature and the storm clouds off to the distance.

Over the years, as i’ve changed and grown my connection with Hassans has changed with it. I used to say “If the mountains could talk, could you imagine all the stories they would share”. And that’s just from my life! Not to mention everyone else’s who has enjoyed the lookout and the surrounding mountains. I often ponder what stories are hidden there, what adventures and experiences people have had.

I implore you as the year comes to an end to look upon your journey and destination with admiration. In modern day life we are always rushing to get to the destination and rarely in the moment.. Stop. Put the phone down. Look around. It’s beautiful out there.

Explore And Soar